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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
KING stick +king 21
KORES glue stick 16
stick 16
stick 31
KRISHNA non-stick cookware 21
LE ZING indo stick +sun 16
LUCKY stick 30
M&B +stick & circle 7
MAGIC meal +hat & stick 30
MERCURY non-stick cookware 21
stick 3
NIDOR non-stick cookware 21
stick 3
PIDILITE FEVI stick super 1
stick 3
PRITT stick +arrow 16
PRITT stick HENKEL +bottle 1
RB royal stick +triangle 1
REWA belt stick 1
ROUGIE +stick 3
S.K. RAVI +stick & box 3
stick 3
stick 3
SHEPHERD'S institute +stick 41
SI stick international 16
SN SRI NIDHI incense stick 3
SS solid stick 2
STEDLER +stick 8
STICK +stick 34
SV stick lite 34
SWARN MALA incense stick 3
T.A.S no. 1 +man & stick 34
T.A.S. SNUFF +man & stick 34
THAKURBARI incense stick 3
TRENDSETTER +hat & stick 25
TT +stick 9, 42
TULASI FLORA incense stick 3
URBAN POTLI +stick & potli 35
VODAHOME non-stick cookware 21
YANKEES +hat stick & ball 16
stick 3
ad stick 1
chick with stick & bag 30
circle & stick 30, 32
face of wolf & stick 10
hand stick & circle 9
m-MOON stick +faces 16
man stick & circle 34
man with hat & stick 14
mr. GRS +hat & stick 30
snake & stick 17
super GOAL +stick & ball 8
sticker BAZAAR 16
ASHWARYA sticker kumkum 3
FAMENA sticker +globe 3
FEBINA sticker bindi 3
GORY sticker kumkum bindi 3
MAMTA sticker kumkum bindi 3
MAYURI sticker kumkum bindi 3
NISHA sticker kumkum +flowe 3
RAJVEE TILAK sticker kumkum 3
ROMINA sticker kum kum 3
SHEETAL sticker kumkum 3
SHIVANI sticker +woman 3
SHRADDHA sticker kum kum 3
SHREEJI sticker kumkum 3
SIMAR sticker kumkum bindi 3
SIMRAN sticker kumkum 3
SPOT-POINT sticker kumkum 3
SURYA sticker kumkum bindi 3
SWEETY spot sticker kumkum 3
USHA sticker kumkum 3
VEEMA sticker kumkum 3
DIAMOND stickers +diamond 16
stickers 16
MAHAVEER stickers +arrow 16, 35
WONDER stickers 16
CAC sticking together 1, 16
sticks & oval 3
555 classic incense sticks 3
7 DAYS incense sticks 3
AASHISH incense sticks 3
AMBICA ORO incense sticks 3
AROMAS OF CHINA +sticks arc 31
AROMAS OF china +sticks arc 30, 33
AROMAS of china +sticks arc 29
BABA dhoop sticks 3
BHAGWATI hit poly +sticks 23
CHEVAL +sticks & circles 7, 14
CHINA JOE +sticks 42
CHOPSTICKS +sticks 33
COOPSTICKS +sticks 29
COORG MAC +sticks 42
CP +sticks & balls 25
CP +sticks & ovals 25
sticks 3
sticks 3
DADI MAA incense sticks 3
DANDI NAMAK +hands & sticks 42
DANDIA +sticks 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
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